Monthly BOD Meetings-7pm
Club ByLaws
Article I – Objects
The purposes for which this organization is formed are as follows:
To interest all Sportsmen and Sportswomen of Park County and the State of Montana by providing a way of cooperation in the propagation of stocking of lakes and streams in and adjacent to Park County, with game fish, also to assist in the propagation and stocking of desirable locations in and adjacent to Park County with game birds.
To provide a clearing house for the exchange of ideas leading to the cooperation and mutual benefit of all Sportsmen and Sportswomen of Park County.
To arrange for presenting the united support of Park County Sportsmen and Sportswomen in aid of any worthy movement having for its object the improvement of the fish, game, and wildlife resources of Park County and the State of Montana.
To be enabled to present the undivided influence of the true Sportsmen and Sportswomen to procure the enactment of wise and uniform laws for the propagation and protection of fish and game and all wildlife in our state.
To create and foster a public sentiment in favor of better protection of fish and game and the observance and enforcement of all laws enacted for their protection.
To lease, purchase, hold, have, use, take possession of, and enjoy in fee simple or otherwise any personal or real property necessary for the uses and purposes of the corporation, and to sell, lease, deed in trust, alien or dispose of the same at the pleasure of the corporation, and for the uses and purposes for which said corporation is formed.
To acquire, establish, and maintain rifle, shotgun, archery, and pistol shooting facilities and to establish and maintain all necessary club-house facilities in connection therewith.
Article II – Meetings
Section 1. Except as provided in Section 3, regular club meetings shall be held on the 4th Monday of every month except in December.
Section 2. The annual meeting will be held on the 4th Monday in November.
Section 3. The Board of Directors may, by majority vote of the Board of Directors, suspend any meeting(s) except the annual meeting.
Section 4. The latest issue of Robert’s Rules of Order governing parliamentary procedure shall govern all proceedings of this organization and all meetings of the Board of Directors and committee meetings except as otherwise specified herein.
Section 5. The Board of Directors for good or sufficient reason may alter the date of any meeting.
Article III – Dues
Section 1. Membership dues shall be subject to increase with a majority vote of the membership present at any regular club meeting.
Section 2. Memberships are annual and will be made available on the 1st day of January of each year and will expire the 31st day of December of the same year of issuance. Memberships are family oriented and cover a husband, wife, and minor children.
Article IV – Officers
Section 1. The officers of the club shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. The duties of the officers are as follows:
President – The President shall preside at all meetings, appoint the necessary committees, special committees, and committee chairs, and perform such duties as may be delegated to him/her.
Vice-President – The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President and perform the duties as delegated to the President.
Secretary – The Secretary shall keep a permanent record of all the business meetings of the club, also of all officers elected from year to year and of all the committees appointed, also perform such other duties as may be assigned to him.
Treasurer – The Treasurer shall have care and custody of all funds and deposit the funds in the name of the Park County Rod and Gun Club. The Treasurer shall submit a financial report to the membership at the annual meeting showing a complete statement of receipts and expenditures for the club for the past year.
Section 3. All officers shall be elected in good standing according to Article VI Section 2 at the annual meeting.
Section 4. All officers elected at the annual meeting shall assume duties at the close of the annual meeting.
Article V – Board of Directors
Section 1. The Board of Directors, elected in good standing according to Article VI Section 2, shall consist of three (3) members plus the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. At least four (4) Board members must attend board meetings, one of which must be a regular elected board member.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall meet at the call of the President, or by agreement for the purpose of making recommendations for the operation and direction of the club.
Article VI – Elections
Section 1. The members of this organization shall elect the elective officers of the Board of Directors during the annual meeting. A member may nominate any member in good standing with the Park County Rod and Gun Club from the floor for any office or for the Board of Directors.
Section 2. A member considered to be in good standing affirms their commitment to Article I Objects of the Park County Rod and Gun Club and is also expected to work collaboratively to strengthen the good of said club by refraining from engaging in any activities that bring discredit to the club or put it in financial or structural jeopardy. Furthermore, members in good standing must:
Have purchased their membership on or before the 4th Monday of January of the election year, and
Have served one election year as a Chairman of any club appointed committee; or, have previously served on the Park County Rod and Gun Club Board of Directors, and
Have never, in the preceding five (5) election years, been convicted of, plead guilty to, or have been cited and/or paid fines is association with any fish, game, and/or wildlife violation in the State of Montana or any other state.
Section 3. An election year is defined as the time period which elapses between annual meetings.
Article VII – Voting
Section 1. All balloting for club officers and directors and balloting on motions, resolutions, and routine business matters requiring membership approval shall be conducted by voice, show of hands, or written ballot at the discretion of the President.
Section 2. Members must vote on all matters in person, except as provided in Article XIII, Section 2, and voting by proxy will not be permitted.
Article VIII – Term of Office
Section 1. All Elected Officers shall serve for a term of FOUR YEARS and until such time as successors are elected or appointed and qualified; with no more than one (1) officer position open in any given election year.
Section 2. Board of Directors shall serve for a term of THREE YEARS and until such a time as successors are elected or appointed and qualified; with no more than one director position open in any given election year.
Article IX – Vacancies
Section 1. Any vacancy that may occur in the offices of the organization or on the Board of Directors because of death, resignation, or other reasons; the vacated position will be filled by appointment, issued from the Board of Directors, to the un-expired term of the vacated office.
Article X – Quorum
Section 1. A quorum of at least ten (10) members of the Park County Rod and Gun Club is required to pass on motions and resolutions, with the exception as provided in Article XIII, Section 2.
Section 2. Routine business transactions of the club may be transacted at regular meetings attended by less than (10) members.
Article XI – Expenditures
Section 1. No expenditures of the club funds will be permitted unless the Board of Directors grants prior permission by a majority vote of the Board of Directors conducted at any club meeting.
Section 2. Any bills for the usual operation of the club will be presented at any regular meeting for approval or disapproval. If any regular club meeting is suspended according to Article II Section 3, the Board of Directors is hereby granted permission to communicate through personal contact, phone conversations, electronic mail (e-mail) and/or text messaging to pay regularly occurring monthly expenses. No other expenses are permitted.
Section 3. The President and Treasurer shall sign all checks, drafts, and other orders for payment of funds. One (1) Board of Directors member may be authorized to sign checks in the absence of the President or Treasurer.
Section 4. The Park Co. Rod and Gun Club hereby formalizes it’s decision to reserve in our savings, $50,000 for a legal and/or land acquisition fund. This reserve is not to be used for any other purpose; however, if our annual income is not sufficient to complete a Capital improvement project, it would be permissible to withdraw up to 25% of the reserve for that project. Repayment of this withdrawal would be required within one calendar year and before any other Capital improvements could be started. It is not the intent of the Park County Rod and Gun Club to limit this fund to $50,000 but rather to increase this reserve as income allows.
Article XII – Committees
Section 1. The President shall appoint such necessary committees and all associated committee chairs as required to carry out the various phases, duties, and obligations of the organization.
Article XIII – Club Property
Section 1. No equipment of any kind being property of the Park County Rod and Gun Club shall be rented or leased, without first obtaining approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Any major decision regarding the disbandment, liquidation, or dividing of any assets of the Park County Rod and Gun Club, must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) majority of the entire membership of the club, by official ballot by U.S. mail, to be returned within ten (10) calendar days from the date of mailing. Official ballots must be mailed out exactly one calendar month prior to the November annual meeting. For any major decision to be considered valid, voting ballots must be returned to club officials at a rate equaling or exceeding 75% of the total memberships at the time of mailing.
Article XIV – Membership Suspended
Section 1. Any member of the Park County Rod and Gun Club wantonly, or negligently destroying or damaging real or personal property, public or private, or shall be duly convicted of any fish and game violation according to the laws of the State of Montana or of any other state and upon recommendation of the Board of directors and the majority vote of the membership present at any regular meeting as provided by the by-laws shall have his/her/their membership suspended or revoked in said organization.
Section 2. The Board of Directors of the Park County Rod and Gun Club alone reserve the right to suspend or revoke any membership at any time in said organization for any purpose(s) and/or reason(s) pertaining to the ‘good of the club’ including but not limited to malicious slander of club officials and committee members and/or engaging in behaviors and actions which bring discredit to the club and/or put it in financial or structural jeopardy.
Section 3. Any member that has had his/her/their membership suspended or revoked in the manner listed in Article XIV Section 1 or Section 2 may have his/her/their membership reinstated upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors and the majority vote of the membership present at any regular meeting as provided by the by-laws.
Article XV – Amendments to By-laws
Section 1. All proposed by-law changes must be presented to the Board of Directors for their consideration and recommendations one regular meeting prior to the date of intended adoption. Any by-law changes must be voted on during an official Board of Directors meeting as regulated by Article V, Section 3. By-law changes require a yes vote by five (5) members of the seven (7) member Board of Directors as listed under Article V, Section 1. Voting by proxy is not allowed and all seven (7) members of the Board of Directors must be present at the board meeting to vote on by-law amendments for these changes to be official.
Article XVI – Effective Date
Section 1. These by-laws shall be in full force and effect on and after the date of adoption as listed below.
Section 2. All by-laws adopted prior hereto and in conflict herewith are herby repealed.